Saturday, March 14, 2009


Spiritual experience: In the middle of the night I was feeling attacked by that enemy of our souls, Satan, who was telling me I was a loser. And I tried to think of all the ways that I wasn't. A couple hours later, I got up to have my morning quiet time. I currently switch between three books: Is, Matt, 2 Cor at the present time. Today was 2 Cor. And lo and behold, God meets me there and tells me I'm not a loser and that He is with me to help me. How, you ask. Well, it just so happened that this day I was to read 2 Cor 10, which contains a famous verse that deals with thoughts that come from Satan: vs 5 - "take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ..." So cool to see that God knew exactly what I was going through and revealed His love for me. Because, you see, I frequently forget which book I am supposed to read from and I debated between Is and 2 cor. It was like God said to me, you give this advice to others, now I am going to give it to you! It's not so much the advice He gave, but the fact that He met me at my point of need. What a great God!

090311 - 4 rounds of 20 pullups, 30 pushups, 40 situps, 50 squats - 30 minutes time with a 3 minute break between rounds (average round about 5 minutes) - the last round I was unable to do the pull-ups.

090310 - 100 45lb sumo dead lift high pull in lieu of 1000 meter row, 50 45lb thrusters (no clean), 20 pull-ups, 3 rounds, 15 minutes

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