Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Crossfit - 20 minutes as many rounds of 400 m and max rep pushups (instead of pullups)
6 rounds completed: 42 pushups, 28, 22, 23, 22, 20, 20

Matt 12 (or 13): the parable of the sower. God sows the Word into our hearts. The results depend on the soil of our heart. If we have a hard heart, it doesn't get in, a rocky heart, we are not quite ready; thorns and thistles, a divided heart; the good soil, a pure heart, fully broken up and prepared to grow a garden. What's the point? Prepare your heart that God's word will produce a harvest through you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


pullups, 10 rounds, 3 reps with weights, 5 strict, 7 kipping

I was weak
45 lbs for two rounds, then 25 lbs
Most rounds only 7 total pullups
Also did 3 sets of leg press

Dead lift 205 lb, 21, 15, 9 with 800 m runs after each set. Time 22 minutes

Is 60 - Reads like Revelation - makes me long for the return of the King when the world will be put back in order and there will be peace and love everywhere and people will be kind and accepting of each other. Unconditional acceptance is hard to find, even in the church which teaches this command, obviously not very well. Love one another - easy to say, hard to do. Maybe because it takes the HOly Spirit filling us with love for it to be a fruit in our lives.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Spiritual experience: In the middle of the night I was feeling attacked by that enemy of our souls, Satan, who was telling me I was a loser. And I tried to think of all the ways that I wasn't. A couple hours later, I got up to have my morning quiet time. I currently switch between three books: Is, Matt, 2 Cor at the present time. Today was 2 Cor. And lo and behold, God meets me there and tells me I'm not a loser and that He is with me to help me. How, you ask. Well, it just so happened that this day I was to read 2 Cor 10, which contains a famous verse that deals with thoughts that come from Satan: vs 5 - "take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ..." So cool to see that God knew exactly what I was going through and revealed His love for me. Because, you see, I frequently forget which book I am supposed to read from and I debated between Is and 2 cor. It was like God said to me, you give this advice to others, now I am going to give it to you! It's not so much the advice He gave, but the fact that He met me at my point of need. What a great God!

090311 - 4 rounds of 20 pullups, 30 pushups, 40 situps, 50 squats - 30 minutes time with a 3 minute break between rounds (average round about 5 minutes) - the last round I was unable to do the pull-ups.

090310 - 100 45lb sumo dead lift high pull in lieu of 1000 meter row, 50 45lb thrusters (no clean), 20 pull-ups, 3 rounds, 15 minutes

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Clean and Jerk, 7 rounds of 3 (instead of 1 as prescribed)
95, 115, 125, 120, 120, 120, 120

Could have done 135 but I had a little trouble with 125, so I stopped there. No use hurting yourself to prove to others how strong you are!

Spiritual: Is 57 - Judah makes alliances with Egypt in fear of Assyria instead of seeking God and requesting the help of God. How many times do we as Christians seek the help of the world instead of first seeking God. God is our last resort when He should be the first resort. We weary ourselves seeking out every possible avenue and then exhausted turn to God. God wants to give us rest. This is the mentality of a theology that says, "God helps those who help themselves" which, BTW is NOT in the Bible. What is in the Bible is "God answers those who pray to Him."

Monday, March 2, 2009


50 lb kettle swing - 21x
12 pull-ups
400 m run
3 rounds: 16:20 minutes (slow, but I was huffing and puffing)

SP: Is 56, but switch to 1 John 3:9

Union with Christ is the essence of what it is to be a Christian. Christ in me, living through me. “If anyone is IN Christ, He is a new creature…” Then, I thought how marriage is to be an example of Union with Christ. Union with your spouse, the two become one. The marriage consummated with intercourse. So sexual union portrays a spiritual union with Christ. Thirdly, in the act, the man puts his seed in the woman and produces a baby: the new birth. God’s Seed (the Holy Spirit) in us, producing a new creature…”You must be born again, born of the Spirit, born from above” (John 3). Lastly, 1 John 3:9 No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. Therefore, the sexual act portrays the spiritual act of salvation.